Welcome to my place! Located in the coolest part of Costa da Caparica - Santo António da Caparica, this recently refurbished two-bedroom apartment from the 80 ́s offers the perfect blend of comfort and convenience. The apartment is composed of a master bedroom and a twin bedroom - both equipped with built-in wardrobes and shared enclosed balcony with a working desk. But you may prefer to set your working space in the bright living room by the window facing the main street, where at sunset, the light floods the whole area with a special atmosphere. Hope you like it, because it ́s definitely a highlight. A 10-minute walk will take you to the beach (Praia de São João) and the beach wall that stretches along 5 km through a sequence of several beaches of Caparica. But you can ́t miss Trafaria - a picturesque fishing village where the river meets the ocean, and there ́s fantastic local restaurants to enjoy fresh grilled fish as well as a decent fish market in case you choose to cook at home. The Lisbon center is at 16 km only (Marquês de Pombal), which makes your stay strategically perfect because you can enjoy the natural living by the beach and visit the capital right across the river, which by the way is accessible by ferry from Trafaria, and in 20 minutes you ́re at Belém - a must-do visit due to cultural heritage and of course, the famous "Pastel de Belém". Wish you a great stay and count on me to give you all the support you may need during your stay...
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